Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Australia...our goal is achieved!

Australia, Part I

First of all, apologies for taking sooooo long to get this update posted.  Am WAY behind and will endeavor to catch up in the next few weeks, if possible.

October 2018

Way back when we owned and operated our 27 foot Chris Craft Sea Skiff, Nancy had asked, offhandedly, if it could get us to Hawaii.  Alas, I responded, there is not enough fuel to get us out of Washington State....so began our quest.  Buy bigger boat.  Fix it up. Sail it away.  With new goal in mind...Australia!  So we bought it, fixed it, and sailed away.  Our goal is less than two weeks away, barring any difficulties (weather)...

While passing north of New Caledonia, we were buzzed (low level) by a very fast white jet which almost disappeared as fast as he appeared.  Moments later, he returned and this time made radio contact (VHF) with us.  I responded for both boats as were were asked a few basic questions as to who we were, registry, crew on board, and our destination.  Having satisfactorily answered, they told us to have a safe and enjoyable voyage (heavy French accent).  We figured it was New Caledonia customs/coast guard checking up on vessels in their territorial waters.  Onward and forward...

Shakedown and Rainbow's Shadow in Hervey Bay,
Australia, heading towards the long entrance into
Bundaberg Marina

The lighthouse marks the entrance to Bundaberg river

October 18th...arrive at Bundaberg, Australia after having spent the night in Hervey Bay drifting west across the entire bay during the night with stay-sail up.  Checked in with marina on the VHF radio and got slip assignments.  We would be met by immigration, customs, and the bio-security inspectors.  Didn't know what to expect, but we got rid of a lot of items that could potentially have kept us in inspection for quite a while...

Shakedown at rest at Bundaberg Marina dock

Everything had to come out of the boat and onto the
deck to make way for the Bio-Security Inspectors

Forward cabin ready for inspection.  The two inspectors
were looking for a specific species of termites from the
northwest coast of the U.S.

And yes, the galley food was removed to allow inspection
in the storage area beneath the seats...after two hours, we

were tentatively cleared pending lab results from about 
eight specimen containers to send in. (we passed).

Our friends on Rainbow's Shadow took train/bus down to Brisbane and collected their SUV and viola, we had wheels!  First trip on the agenda was a tour of the Tin Can Bay area, as Adrian had suggested we may want to "camp" there.  So off we went to see...

Pulling out of the Marina

Pulled over short of Tin Can Bay and visited the ocean-
side town of Rainbow Beach.  Adrian and Christine
taking in the view

The "town center" where all the tourist shops are to
be found

Almost self-explanatory

This was one of the more
interesting storefront windows

There were a few local happenings in the Bundaberg Marina area, one of which was the annual picnic at Burnett Heads (about a mile and a half from the marina).  Quite a turnout as there were musical groups, food, beer, and a fine display of vintage VW's courtesy of the local Volkswagen Club.

A 60's-era VW bus converted into a travelling beer bar.

And yes, those are camels in the background providing
rides for children of all ages

Having owned a similar era camper-bus, there was a bit
of envy, but enjoyable sights to behold

A shot of part of the Marina.  Not too far from the the river
mouth exiting into Hervey Bay.

Time to take out the last trash as we prepare to depart
Bundaberg Marina

The office at the Marina

A last look at the Marina before we head out
We actually went into the city of Bundaberg a couple of times to take a quick look around.  The only item of note was that we found a brand new Honday 2.3hp and bought it, since our 2.0 had given up the ghost.  

After two week here, we were ready to leave and sail to Tin Can Bay.  So here we go.....